La Travesía en Yola: Odiseas a Puerto Rico. Raúl Martínez Rosario

Highlighted Writing

En Honor y Dedicación
1: Al encuentro de otros Viajantes
4. El Retorno Derrotado
5. Sin trabajo sin dinero y acosado
6. Mis conpañeros para la adversidad
8. El tortuoso camino a Punta Cana
9: Las primeras horas de terror
11: Nuestra larga noche en El Caribe
12. Nuestro segundo dia en El Caribe
13. Lo inesperado en un islote
14. Arribo a playa puertorriqueña
15. Llegada a San Juan
18. Prefería la muerte a ser deportado
Los Lectores Comentan La Travesía en Yola
Francisco Comarazamy del Listin Diario Comenta sobre La Travesia en yola
Los Periódicos Reportan sobre los viajes ilegales
Raul Martinez Rosario at Cunnecticut College
Sobre Migracion Haitiana a RD
Corrupción Política en Dominicana
Policia mata a delincuentes y a no delincuentes
Diferencia entre los dos partidos dominicanos mayoritario

by Raul Martinez Rosario

Highlighted Writing is a technique that allows us to insert an additional reading into an existing text or to create a text designed to host both, a Primary and a Secondary Readings.

The Primary Text it is the normal finished text (highlighted or not) presented for a regular reading.

The Secondary Text is the highlighted portion of the Primary Text which makes, in itself, an independent reading inside the Primary Text.
The second independent text is achieved by selectively highlighting the part of the Primary Text that would convey, in an uninterrupted narrative, the intended additional new message that we want to communicate. To achieve this purpose, the portion of the Primary Text to be highlighted must be carefully picked or written so as to say, with precision, what we want to say in a continuous distinctive narrative line. For the Secondary Reading, the reader will have to read only the highlighted portion of the Primary Text, ignoring the non highlighted part.

The Secondary Text can be read ether flowing down-
wards or upwards, depending on how the writer disposed it.
Creating a Secondary Text inside a regular text is an amazing and original new way of using the written words; it is an innovative way of going beyond the presumed last word of a text, as an unexpected secondary text takes over in a virtual continuation of the reading towards the inside of the Primary Text. There we can find new information and new meanings, as well as opposing views from those expressed in the Primary Text. A well achieved Secondary Text opens up a new range of possibilities to creating writings filled with endless chances for expressing timing metaphors, great ironies and similes, as well as inviting reflections and astonishing turns in any narrative endeavors.

Raul Martinez Rosario.
Chicago, IL. Feb. 5, 2019

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