"A Passage to Puerto Rico: a Dominican Odyssey.".............. (by Raul Martinez Rosario)
1: Joining other travelers
2: On our way to El Macao Beach
3: Too many people for a yola
4: The return and the defeat
5: Without a job, without money and harassed
6: My companions for adversity
7: Papin: "What a shame to leave in a Yola"
8: The tortuous road to Punta Cana
9: The first hours of terror
10: Eshastion and Insecurity
11: Our long night in the Caribbean Sea
12: Our second day in the Caribbean Sea
13: The unsuspected at a small island
14: Our Arrival to Puerto Rican Beach
15: Our Entrance to San Juan
16: Papin's Sad Fate
17: Puerto Rico: an inhospitable place for illegal emigrants
18: I preferred Death than Deportation
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Para edición en ESPAñOL

Raul Martinez Rosario

  A passage to Puerto Rico is a real drama adventure that will take you through Canal de La Mona, an unrestless sea that separates Dominican Republic from Puerto Rico.  This book will show you how hundreds of people risk their lives trying to get to what they expect to be a better life outside their country.  The story is told by Raul Martinez Rosario a 23 years old young man who decides to board one of the small wooden boats called "Yolas".  He and more than fifty other travelers have to face the worst of the nightmares for several days in a rough sea infected by sharks and, some time, at the mercy of the sea...


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Raul Martinez Rosario

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